Saturday, February 26, 2011

Book Review: An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days

An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days by Susan Wittig Albert is an extraordinary book. At its base, it is her journal for the year 2008. You can open it to almost any page and be captivated….
January 2, 2008, Coyote Lodge, New Mexico
Yesterday was the beginning of the new year. Today is the beginning of my personal new year: my birthday….

March 23
Breathtakingly beautiful spring day, daffodils massed along the woods, redbuds clouded in purple, Chickasaw plum, its blossoms as frilly as the finest lace….

June 4
Having lunch with your editor: a prime privilege of the writing life….

November 3
Everything in the country seems to be on hold, all eyes, all thoughts focused on the election. On television, it’s all politics, all the time.
But not for me….
I was hooked from the first page. In the sidebar, she puts quotes from the news of the day and relevant quotes from other writers, actors, politicians or people who had something to say. Right off, I decided I would read her journal, then come back and read the sidebar items. I soon realized how important those “extras” were. They added to her words, her thoughts. I found myself amazed at Susan’s intellect and wide-spread knowledge.

Each chapter is a month in that year. At the end of each chapter is a listing of the books she read that month. She reads more in a month than I do in a year. She reads anywhere from 8 to 13 books every month.

This is in addition to her writing, which she talks about in the book. Occasionally, she throws in delicious sounding recipes and how-tos, including how to cook in a solar oven.

Here’s part of the back cover blurb:
Albert’s journal provides an engaging account of how the business of being a successful working writer blends with her rural life in the Texas Hill Country and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico. As her eclectic daily reading ranges across topics from economics, food production, and oil and energy policy to poetry, place, and the writing life, Albert becomes increasingly concerned about the natural world and the threats facing it, especially climate change and resource depletion. …
I was fascinated by not just her life, but her writing. I have known Susan Wittig Albert for many years, but until reading this book I did not know her. And this is only a glimpse into her thoughts and life. This is a book for writers. A book for those who want to do something to better the environment. A book for those who want to hear the silence as often as they hear the noise. A book for those who want to stand in the shadows and witness a life well-lived. An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days is a captivating book.

An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days
Barnes & Noble
University of Texas Press

Susan Wittig Albert writes mystery, young adult, and books for women on work and life writing. Not counting the books she has written alone, she and her husband, Bill, have written more than 70 books together. She’s the founder of Story Circle Network. She is not a new-to-me writer, but I still give An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days and Susan a rating of Hel-of-a-Writer.
FTC Disclaimer: At the request of Susan Wittig Albert, University of Texas Press sent me a copy of An Extraordinary Year of Ordinary Days. This did not influence my decision to review this book. This book has a fitting title. Susan’s days are ordinary. They’re unlike mine - I don’t pack up the dogs and drive to New Mexico to stay in a cabin, nor do I have meetings with editors or a husband who acts as my agent, nor do I know how to discern edible weeds from non-edible ones. But for Susan, these are ordinary things in her life. Put them all together, along with all that was going on in the world in 2008, and you have a most extraordinary year and book. And that is what influenced me to write this review.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Book Review: Treacherous Tango

 Treacherous Tango by E. Ryan Hale starts off in the courtroom at a trial where you meet some of the key players, including Aidan Wolf and Jenna Jacobs. You’ll want to pay attention to the trial and everyone involved because nothing is frivolous in this fast moving thriller. Hale weaves a story that is indeed a tango with intricate moves and enough twirls to keep you guessing as to the killer.

Here is the cover blurb:
* Kimberly Larson doesn’t remember the assault that almost ended her life.
* Her sister Michelle identifies Kim’s ex-fiancé, Thomas Peyton, as her attacker.
* District Attorney Wilson Howell receives numerous threats against his family.
* Former prosecutor Aidan Wolf learns via e-mail that he’ll never see his son again.
* A series of insistent posts threaten the security of trail lawyer Jenna Jacobs.
* What do these attorneys have in common? They all played a part in the Peyton trial.
This tango is a fast-paced dance. Hale keeps this story moving by bringing in a compelling second thread. Emilio and Ana Ortiz and their children, including their newborn Jenna. Their lives and the family are being torn apart by a system that seems to work on stereotypes instead of finding out the truth.

But it is the strange and ominous threats that have everyone on edge. They start off as warnings, then get darker and more direct. Then they become dangerous and personal. And the heroes are not necessarily who you would have expected.

Hale is good at keeping the characters true to their personalities and not letting them off easy. At times I wanted to whack a character upside the head, but he was being himself rather than omniscient, like the reader. There are books where you can feel the author pushing a character to change or see the light, but E. Ryan Hale lets her characters show their true selves.

Treacherous Tango
Barnes and Noble

Since E. Ryan Hale is a new-to-me author and I enjoyed the book, I give Treacherous Tango a rating of Hel-O!
FTC Disclaimer: Treacherous Tango was sent to me by the author, but that in no way influenced my review. One thing that did influence me was that this book had two strong threads. While ominous threats were pulling apart one family, another family was being destroyed by an uncaring system. Unlike on TV where attorneys work on one case at a time, in Treacherous Tango, Hale paints a more realistic picture of people who are pulled in many directions and can come close to losing everything.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is for all you Logophiles (lovers of words…you know—you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish or ... I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me ... etc.)

To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.

A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.

When the smog lifts in Los Angeles , U.C.L.A.

The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground.

The batteries were given out free of charge.

A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail.

A will is a dead giveaway.

If you don't pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.

With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat miner.

You are stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.

Local Area Network in Australia : The LAN down under.

A boiled egg is hard to beat.

When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.

Police were called to a day care where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

Did you hear about the fellow whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

If you take a laptop computer for a run you could jog your memory.

A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.

In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.

When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.

The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered.

He had a photographic memory which was never developed.

Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.

Acupuncture: a jab well done.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Search Engine for Writers

The wonderful author Elizabeth Spann Craig and software engineer Mike Fleming have created a search engine for writers. No need to Google then wade through 50 sites that don’t get you what you want. The engine is called: the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine.

Elizabeth has always visited blogs and posted the best of what she found on her own blog, Mystery Writing is Murder. When she had gathered over 1500 wonderful posts and article on writing, she realized she needed a way to not only to share these resources, but to make them available and searchable by anyone. With the help of Mike Fleming, a software engineer, they created a searchable engine. And it’s free.

You can read more about Writer’s Knowledge Base on Elizabeth’s blog. The resources provided by the search engine will continue to grow as she adds more and more articles to the list. Mike is continuing to make the engine fun and accessible. Elizabeth noted in her blog that he has included “a fun feature where a writer can browse the links and find random writing-related articles.”

On the homepage of Writer’s Knowledge Base, you’ll find a list of random articles. You can also search by category or keyword. Give it a try. And if you forget the link to WKB, look over in my sidebar - you’ll find a link there.

Thank you Elizabeth and Mike!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Entering a New Golden Age?

According to the Los Angeles Times and folks at the Digital Book World Conference in New York, we may well be entering a new golden age in publishing.

Despite the really cold weather NY is having, “more than 1,200 people attended the three-day conference, doubling last year's attendance.” According to the Los Angeles Times, “About 10.5 million people now own a dedicated e-reader such as Amazon's Kindle or Barnes & Noble's Nook.”

New e-Readers and new software are changing this ever-evolving area of publishing.
Copia, one company giving demonstrations at Digital Book World, is using new e-reading software specifically built to enable social elements while reading, such as sharing notes on the text. Blio, also demonstrated at the conference, will soon be preloaded onto Dell machines; it is particularly suited for displaying image-heavy books, like cookbooks and children's books — and it can be set to read a children's book aloud when parents are otherwise occupied.
Now, it seems, publishers are scrambling to figure out how to market better than authors. And if they can’t, then who can? The Los Angeles Times suggests independent booksellers who are known for hand-selling books.
"I would love to talk to a publisher and say do you want to know who buys your book?" said Stephanie Anderson, manager of WORD bookstore in Brooklyn. "Because I could tell you that, and so could any bookseller in America."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sad News

I know most of you will be terribly saddened and shocked by this news, if you haven’t already heard.

Snooki’s book bombed.

According to 411mania, it only sold 8,998 copies. Now, I personally, would like to sell that many copies, but they say that number made the book “a total bomb.”

One publisher said it was because A Shore Thing was not a tell-all but rather was “disguised as a novel."

Or maybe it was because of this last statement in the short piece:
“The book also got bad customer reviews on Amazon.”

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Puns for Educated Minds

A friend of mine, Bill Wheeless, sent these puns. He didn’t write them. He got them from someone else who got them from someone else who ... well, who knows who originally wrote them. I don’t. I do, however, hope you enjoy them.

The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Circumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.

She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.'

The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

A backward poet writes inverse.

In a democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes.

Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says 'Dam!'

Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? His goal: transcend dental medication.

There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Author L.J. Sellers

 L.J. Sellers, an award-winning journalist and the author of the bestselling Detective Jackson mystery/suspense series: The Sex Club, Secrets to Die For, Thrilled to Death, Passions of the Dead, and Dying for Justice. Her novels have been highly praised by Mystery Scene and Spinetingler magazines, and all four are on Amazon Kindle’s bestselling police procedural list. L.J. also has two standalone thrillers: The Baby Thief and The Suicide Effect. When not plotting murders, she enjoys performing standup comedy, cycling, social networking, and attending mystery conferences. She’s also been known to jump out of airplanes.

You can check out her books online:
The Sex Club
Secrets to Die For
Thrilled to Death
Passions of the Dead

L.J. agreed to answer my questions about self-publishing and e-publishing. Having done it herself (and had great success!), she has a lot of advice to offer.

Please welcome L.J. Sellers.

At what point do you quit looking for a major or regional publisher?

 A lot of writers are asking themselves that question right now. I hear from authors all the time and many are saying. “I’ll give the query process two more months, then I’m going to self-publish this as an e-book” or “I have this book out on submission, but if nothing happens, I’m going indie too.”

If your dream is to be published by a New York press, then there’s no harm in trying that route. But one of the main factors that led me to leave my publisher was the waiting time. I had books completed and scheduled to be released in the summers of 2011, 2012, and 2013. I started thinking about how much money I could make on my own in the meantime if I published the e-books immediately. I decided not to wait. For me, life is too short to publish under someone else’s schedule. Especially considering how rapidly the publishing industry is changing and how many midsize publishers have already gone out of business.

How in the world do you learn how to publish your own books?

 There are many author forums and listservs in which writers help each other with every aspect of the publishing business. In addition, Amazon, which is the best place to self-publish both print and digital formats, has made it very easy and also offers a lot of guidance.
What do you do first? How do you decide which e-format to start with?

The first step is to have your manuscript professionally edited. While that’s in process, you need to find a cover designer and develop a professional cover. The e-book format you upload depends on the distributor. This can get complex, but the smartest move is to hire a professional formatter to convert your manuscript and cover into an e-book. Most formatters send two files types, mobi and epub, which can be uploaded to various distributors. I’ve also blogged about the various places to self-publish your e-books.

How do you maintain an outside job while you publish and promote?

 This is the most difficult aspect. Once you decide to be your own publisher, a part of your writing time will go toward the production process. Another chunk of time must be dedicated to promotion, and unlike production, promotion is ongoing. For a lot of writers, this is the Catch 22. They don’t have time to promote because they have a day job. But without extensive promotion, they never make enough money from their novels to quit their day jobs. You have to be prepared to work 70 hours a week for however long it takes. I’ve been working those kinds of hours for five years, but it wasn’t until I left my publisher and published all my stories as e-books that I started making a living as a novelist. Now writing and promoting is my day job.

Is it feasible for the ordinary writer to get to the point that they make enough off their books to quit the outside job?

Absolutely. I recently reached that point myself. Many other writers are doing even better with their e-books. For more inspiration, read J.A. Konrath’s blog, starting with my guest post. The promotion takes a lot of time at first, but the results can happen very quickly.

How do you find someone to do your cover—and do it so well it looks professional?

 Again, there are writer forums where people are happy to give referrals, and graphic artists also participate in the conversations. Writers can find examples of independently published covers they like and ask the author for a referral to the graphic designer. I get that question a lot about my covers and I’m happy to send people to Gwen Rhoads.

What about all the details, like the ISBN, the copyrights, getting it into bookstores, etc.?

Copyright can be registered online for $35, and you can purchase a single ISBN or a block of ten ISBNs from Bowker. For print books, the two best POD publishers are CreateSpace and Lightening Source, and they can make your book available to bookstores for a small setup fee. As for getting bookstores to stock your novels, that’s the most challenging aspect of self-publishing or even publishing with a small press. But you can make enough money selling e-books that print sales don’t even matter.

How do you not go crazy, let alone write the next book?

You have to be a little crazy to start with to be a successful novelist! You also have to be driven and to get used to feeling like you have more to do than you can possibly accomplish. Not everyone can live like that, but I thrive on it. Still, I have some days when I feel overwhelmed and I simply have to walk away from the to-do list for a few hours. Making to-do lists is essential for me. I have lists for the day, the week, and the month. I have lists for promotional ideas, lists of reviewers/websites to contact, and lists of blogs to write. It’s endless, but for me, it’s also a lot of fun.

Thank you, L.J.

This was so helpful! If you have questions or comments for L.J. Sellers, leave them here. She’ll be checking in today.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Cover Designer Craig Wolfe

Today, book cover designer Craig Wolfe is here. I asked him a lot of questions about his work. He’s used to my questions since he’s one of the experts I interviewed for my latest book, Computer Gaming. He was just as patient then as he was with this go-round of questions.

Craig Wolfe is a professional Graphic Artist, Illustrator and Animator with over 20 years of experience in the industry. Having worked on a wide-variety of projects including a series of book covers, 3D jewelry design, logos, and promotional videos, Craig has experience in all facets of design and illustration. His short, animated film, "Steve's Bad Day" has garnered great response and is currently available for viewing on YouTube.

If you haven’t seen “Steve’s Bad Day,” be sure you link over. But first, stick around for the interview.

Hi Craig.

What genres do you specialize in? Covers for science fiction/fantasy or Mystery or something else? Or are you open to any genre?

 I try not to limit myself to any specific genre. Of course, I have certain genres that I enjoy reading (Sci fi, Fantasy, mysteries and thrillers). But the true joy of creating a cover is capturing the author’s intent in one illustration. So, the challenge isn’t genre specific.

When an author approaches you to do their cover, how do you decide what to do? Do you talk to the author and get their vision of the cover? Do you read the book/manuscript and come up with your own idea for the cover?

It’s a process. Some authors have a very specific vision for their work. They have imagined every detail and nuance of the cover. I am willing to run with their idea to a certain point. When I feel the cover is becoming cluttered or confusing then it’s time to get with the author and regroup. I’ve had a few authors give me free rein to design the cover as I see fit with just a few suggestions. This allows me to really get the creative juices flowing but it can be a double-edged sword. I will only read a manuscript if the author has provided ample time to complete the project.

How much back and forth is there between you and the author or publisher?

I try to keep the author up to speed as much as possible. I completely understand that their book is a labor of love and the cover is the final, crucial piece of the puzzle. I get approval for rough drafts and at different stages in the process.

About how long does it take to create and finalize a book cover?

 It varies. A simple cover that consists of a photo and text may take as little as 3-4 days. A complex illustration may take over two or three weeks. The bottom line is making the most attractive cover possible. If I feel that a deadline is too tight to complete the author’s expectations then I will most likely pass on the project. That’s why it’s in the author’s best interest to plan ahead to avoid an overly restrictive deadline. Don’t just think about the cover, time must also be allotted for promotional material.

Do you do primarily print book covers or e-book covers? How are they different?

I have dealt with both, and they have specific standards and guidelines that must be strictly followed. Print houses will supply the author a specific template (based on the size of the book) and strict rules that must be followed (such as CMYK color, bleed areas, and file restrictions).

How long have you been creating book covers and which one was the most fun/satisfying for you?

 I have been a professional illustrator for 23 years but have only been involved with book covers for 5 years. The cover for “CassaStar” by Alex J. Cavanaugh was certainly the most fun. Alex gave me free rein to design the cover. I picked his brain concerning ship design and certain details and then it was off to the races. The publisher was so pleased that they asked me to create his book trailer (currently on YouTube).

Thank you Craig.

Now I know some of you have questions for Craig about his work or about designing a book’s cover art or a book trailer, so ask them here.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Book Review: No Way Out

No Way Out by Joel Goldman is a cross between a thriller and a crime novel. It’s the third in the series starring ex-FBI agent Jack Davis.

Here is the back flap tease:
Meeting ex-FBI agent Jack Davis in the middle of a shootout is the best thing that could have happened to Veronica “Roni” Chase. But Jack has no idea how deep--and how deadly--his involvement with the mysterious young bookkeeper will get. The pretty accountant may be able to pull a trigger as well as she manipulates a spreadsheet, but her talents may add up to zero if a killer gets their way. As Jack follows Roni into a lethal web of deceit, years in the making, the only thing that might save them--time--is running out.
Like all protagonists, Jack Davis has his flaw or Achilles Heel. Unlike a lot of lead characters, though, his is a doozie. With the FBI for 25 years, he didn’t retire or quit under a cloud. He quit because he developed what he calls “the shakes.” Often without warning and often when things get “hairy,” he begins to shake. He can’t control it and it often drops him to his knees. That doesn’t stop him, though. It does, however, put him in some precarious situations.

This case involves gun dealers being robbed and, in the latest incident, killed. He ends up investigating it. Jack has more than just his shakes to deal with. His ex-wife lives with him while she deals with terminal cancer. The woman who often drives him is his past lover. When he doesn’t have someone to drive him, he rides the city bus. And when someone else might give up, he keeps going.

By the end, he solves the case. What he loses, though, is both painful and life-changing. And the chances are you won’t see the killer coming.

No Way Out
Barnes and Noble

I give No Way Out by Joel Goldman a rating of Hel-of-a-Writer.
FTC Disclaimer: I received No Way Out from Kaye Publicity. Getting a free copy of this book in no way influenced my review. No Way Out has a lot of characters. So many that I got a bit lost at times, but that was the fault of my lack of big chunks of time to read. It also had a most compelling main character. He’s driven by his own demons and past mistakes. He has what would seem to be an insurmountable flaw. When he develops the shakes and crashes to one knee, he pulls himself up, and you the reader, with him. His dying wife does not have a huge role in the book, but she is never far from your mind. Eldon, the gun dealer who is killed coming home from a gun show, stays in your head. It is the characters who inhabit Jack Davis’ world that stick in your memory.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Writing on the Digital Wall

Authors Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Marian, known to their readers as Evelyn David, are here today to talk about how they saw the writing on the digital wall and what they did in this publishing world in flux.

Welcome Evelyn David.

The (Digital) Writing on the Wall
Evelyn David

If somebody hasn't already said it, we will: e-books are the 21st century answer to mass market paperbacks. In fact, we think that in the next five years, mass market paperbacks will go the way of the VHS tape. In many ways we're sorry to see the end of an era, we love print books as much as most of you do. But we believe the (digital) writing is on the wall.

So what does that mean for authors? With the opening of virtual bookstore to all writers, including the self-published, you now have the opportunity to see your work in (digital) print, whether or not you've got the imprimatur of a New York publisher. In fact, if you're willing to put the time in to learn how to format your books for the digital market, you can sell them in places like Amazon and, and with each download, pocket more money on the sale of a $2.99 e-book than on 10 mass market paperbacks.

We're not saying it's easy. Authors are being asked to assume even more responsibility besides the paramount one of writing good books. If you go the self-publishing route, you need to learn how to be, or will have to hire, an editor, cover designer, formatter, and publicist. At least, however, you won't have to package and mail any of your self-published e-books. They're just a download away for the buyer, and unlike traditional publishers with the twice a year royalty payments, markets like Amazon,, and Smashwords pay for sales on a monthly basis. You will be limited only by the quality of your work and your willingness to promote it.

All of which explains why Evelyn David has jumped feet first into the self-publishing, e-book pool.

While our paperback publisher had released Kindle and Nook versions of our first two mysteries, Murder Off the Books and Murder Takes the Cake, starting in October, we became our own e-book publishers for a new series, The Brianna Sullivan Mysteries. We researched the process and taught ourselves how to do it. While there are lots of guides and blogs out there for authors on how to format e-books, we never found one that gave us the amount of detail we needed. The best information we found was at Smashwords, an e-book publishing and distribution platform. You upload your manuscript there and Smashwords converts your book into multiple e-book formats, including Kindle, Nook (e-pub), PDF, Apple i-Pad, etc. Smashwords has a "free" guidebook for getting your manuscript ready for uploading to Smashwords' "meat-grinder." Read it carefully, more than once (like maybe a dozen times), before following the instructions. It's complicated but do-able.

We're not saying it's easy. Revolutions rarely are. But we're enjoying our new role of controlling our own publishing destiny. You can too. Good Luck!

Thank you!

Marian and Rhonda, being in charge of your own publishing destiny sounds both exciting and scary! But it’s pretty clear you’ve done your research to prepare yourselves. Thanks for telling us your experience and pounding out a path for the rest of us.

 There’s a brand new e-book by Evelyn David and it’s a Valentine themed volume and cover called Undying Love in Lottawatah (Great timing!).
Undying Love in Lottawatah

Remember yesterday when I said I’d tell you a secret about Marian and Rhonda (aka Evelyn David)? Well…despite all the books they’ve written together and all the promoting at conventions, Marian and Rhonda have never met in person!

Feel free to ask them a question or tell us your own experience with going digital.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Author Evelyn David

Tomorrow, author Evelyn David is posting here on Straight From Hel. She’ll be talking about when she saw the writing on the wall - digital writing. In other words, she knew it was time to move from print to digital books.

Actually, what I just said is only partly true. Evelyn is not a she. Evelyn is two shes. Evelyn David is the pseudonym for Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Dossett. They are the authors of The Brianna Sullivan Mysteries, Murder Off the Books, Murder Takes the Cake, and the short story Riley Come Home.

Marian lives in New York and is the author of 11 nonfiction books on a wide variety of topics ranging from veterans benefits to playgroups for toddlers! For more information on Marian's books, you can visit her web site.

Rhonda lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma, is the director of the coal program for the state, and in her spare time enjoys imagining and writing funny, scary mysteries.

The two of them write via the Internet. Together they maintain a website under their writing name and a blog called The Stiletto Gang.

Here is a listing of their books:
The Sullivan Investigation Series
Murder Drops the Ball (Spring 2011)
Murder Takes the Cake - Paperback - Kindle
Murder Off the Books - Paperback - Kindle
Riley Come Home - Kindle - Nook - Smashwords

Autographed Copies and other e-book formats available through Wolfmont Press at
The Digital_Bookshop.

Brianna Sullivan Mysteries - e-book series
The Holiday Spirit(s) of Lottawatah
- Kindle - Nook - Smashwords
The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah
- Kindle - Nook - Smashwords
I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries
- Kindle - Nook - Smashwords

I hope you’ll come back tomorrow to hear what they have to say about taking control of their books and e-publishing. To encourage you to come back, tomorrow I’m going to tell you a secret about Marian and Rhonda, aka Evelyn David. Bring your questions!
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