Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fellowship Opportunity

One thing I probably should have put on my “Five Things You May Not Know About Me” list is that a little over a year ago I spent four weeks at the Vermont Studio Center as a Brown Fellow. The Brown Foundation awarded me a full fellowship to go to the VSC and write to my heart’s content. And write I did. It was a wonderful experience and I would encourage anyone to go to the VSC or some other center for writers.

I still get periodic emails from the VSC alerting me to things going on there, like the new writers’ studio they’re building or deadlines for application to the center. Yesterday I got one about a new fellowship they’ll have available this year. I wanted to pass this on to all of you.

The awards will come from the National Endowment for the Arts. Both artists and writers are eligible. What makes it really special is that it not only includes a fellowship for the studio itself, but a stipend. Here’s the word the Vermont Studio Center sent on it:
  • The National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships (eligibility: artists and writers) New for 2007, the NEA will sponsor four Fellowships this year for outstanding painters, sculptors, writers, photographers, or printmakers who demonstrate clear financial need (applicants must submit their most recent tax return or other information that indicates financial status). Each Fellowship comes with a $1,500 stipend to cover direct residency expenses (travel, materials, shipping, etc.) or related expenses (child care, lost job revenue, rent, etc.). Awards will be based on a combination of the caliber of the work presented, and on demonstrated financial need.
  • Recipients for these awards will be selected at both the winter (deadline: February 15th) and summer (deadline: June 15th) Fellowship competitions.
  • To apply for either of these Fellowship opportunities, go to:
  • and check the Special Fellowships box under Fees • VSC Grants • Fellowships and list the name of the award. All applicants who provide the necessary information will be considered for all awards for which they are eligible.
This is a fabulous opportunity. The good news for you is that this is a brand new award. And new means not too many people know about it. So if you’re interested, fill out the application. If you want to know more about my experience there, just ask.

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