Thursday, August 16, 2012

Book Covers

I've been online searching for book cover artists. There not only are quite a few online, their prices vary widely.

 If you're looking for one, you're probably judging them based on their fees and their sample covers they have posted on their websites. You might also be getting recommendations from friends.

 You'll also want to look at what you get for your money. Just the cover? What about rights to use that cover for other things like the e-book version, or book marks, or your business card?

 Check out the covers. Do they do the kind you envisioned for your book? Do their covers look professional? Do they fit the genre you're writing?

 How much are you willing to pay? $250? $2500? Yes, some artists are paid over $2000 for a full cover, but they usually include other things like certain other rights, making sure the cover fits the requirements of the  publisher, etc.

 Most of them don't put their prices online because it may vary depending on the job. So don't hesitate to email them. Tell them what you're looking for. Tell them a little bit about your book. Maybe even your vision of the book's cover.

 Most will answer back. Perhaps give you a quote and explain what would be included in the package. A few may not answer at all. Cross them off your list and move on.


  1. ...this is an interesting subject that I've been doodling with for my upcoming release of "The Fall," a short story heading directly to epub. Not wanting to invest the mortgage, yet hoping for an eye-catching display...

    Will keep searching ;)


  2. That is soooooo true - about investing the mortgage. I know the artist deserves to be paid well for her/his work. But, jimminee, sometimes you just gasp. Takes you a while to wrap your head around the figure.

  3. We're obviously in the wrong end of the business, especially when you compare how long it took you to write the novel compared to how long it takes the artist to paint it.

    1. I'm definitely no artist, so I don't know how long it takes to create a cover or what goes into the process. I may come to find out that, if you want a really great cover, you'll have to pay a really great amount. I hope not, though.

  4. If they don't answer the email, then that is bad!

    1. I guess it could be bad or not. Could be they're really busy. Could be they recognized my name and immediately hit delete. Perhaps "Straight From Hel" is not a good name for a blog.

  5. $2,500 is really high for a cover, and I don't think I would ever consider paying that much. The graphic artist I use works for much less than that, and the prices vary depending on whether it is just the front cover for an e-book or the whole cover for a paperback. I would not suggest going with covers from places that give you templates and you just fill in the title, etc. That smacks of being an amateur. It is important to have a really nice, professionally done cover.

    1. I agree, Maryann. Now if I can just find a cover artist that's within a reasonable price range!

  6. Because I'm now my own publisher, covers are more personal. Last year I convinced my cousin, a talented photographer and computer whiz, that he could design my covers. I pay him what I paid my previous designer ($150) and give him small bonuses when the book has a good month. He loves collaboration and working to get exactly what I want claims he'd do this for free because it's so much more creative than than his day job.

    1. Carolyn, sounds like he needs his own website where he could hang his shingle.

  7. I envy people with the talent to design cover art. Some people use stock photo options but I hate to see different books with the same covers.

    1. It really is a talent, especially when it comes to a full paperback cover. IMO, anyway. I'm pondering doing my own cover. I've been looking for photographs that I could buy and use. But I'd still prefer a professional.

  8. I agree with Susan, I saw a blog post where there were over 10 books with the same design so there may be no guarantee that even if you pay $2,500 that your book cover will be unique. And what if you don't like the final design? Do you have any say in it?

    1. Ann, I think you do have a say in the final design. But you may also have to pay to have things changed.

  9. There are so many things to consider about a cover design! I wish I had the talent/drive to learn it but I don't.

    1. Especially a cover for a print book! This past weekend, my nephew was over. He's not a cover designer, but is a whiz with computers. I showed him a picture online that I was considering for the cover. He started talking basically in geek to me. You could do this, then that.... I was totally lost. Too bad he is too busy with work to actually do all the things he was suggesting. Otherwise, I would pay him to do all that!

  10. Yes $2500 seems crazy especially since in most cases the writer can give pretty clear instructions about what is needed.

    1. Lauri, one quote I got was for $2200. It included rights to use the art on bookmarks, etc. But, still, that's beyond my budget.


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