Wednesday, September 07, 2011

New Twist on Kids’ Books

JibJab has gone beyond online e-cards. It’s created personalized multimedia iPad children’s books, according to News Factor.

They allow parents to read to kids (or kids to read to themselves) on the iPad via a multimedia book app. The twist on this is that the books can be personalized via images that the buyer chooses. Using the pictures you choose or take via the iPad 2’s built-in camera, you put yourself or your kids or your friends into the book.

You pay a monthly fee for a one-book-a-month subscription.

In case you’re wondering if kids titles would sell, the article noted:
ITunes has separate sales charts for e-books and book apps. Among book apps, 47 of the top 50 are kids titles.
Despite the downturn in the industry and the closing of No. 2 bookseller Borders, sales of children's books have remained steady and are poised for slight growth this year, says market tracker Simba. Sales of traditional and digital children's books are expected to reach $4.4 billion, up from $4.38 billion in 2010.
ITunes is not the only company creating apps for books. Zip over to read the full article if this intrigues you.


  1. I'm interested to see how the children's picture ebook market does...seems like that would be the last one to really take off on e-readers.

  2. My 5 year old has a couple of books for the iPad and she loves to read them. They come in handy when we travel. I can see this working if the quality is good.

  3. Hi Helen .. I guess it's the way forward .. sounds interesting at least. Once the kids catch on .. it'll be difficult to get them off.

    Certainly a new twist .. cheers Hilary

  4. Omg, the corny jibjab things my husband does with family pictures is all I can think about (I do NOT like my head stuck on top of someone doing an Irish jig!) but they'd probably make great children's ebooks.

  5. That's a great idea. This is one more avenue to help encourage kids to read. Next up would be for kids to write their own stories using their images as the characters.

  6. This is an exciting development for kids' books. And I like Stephen's idea of kids writing their own books and taking the pictures. What a wonderful way to use technology to stimulate creativity instead of just spending hours watching programs or playing games.

  7. Anything that will encourage children to read has to be a good thing.

    Thoughts in Progress
    Freelance Editing By Mason

  8. I agree Hilary. Once kids start reading on the iPad, it'll be the start of a huge change.

    It seems to me that innovation often happens first with children's books.

  9. That doesn't surprise me! I recently downloaded an ap that's both a game and a book. Told my wife we might be looking at the future of both.

  10. That's interesting, Alex. Was it a YA book?

  11. Things are changing so fast...


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