Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Rumpus Room

The LA Times has an interesting article/interview with editor Stephen Elliott. It’s quite long, but interesting. Elliott is the author of seven books and the founding editor of the Rumpus, an online literary and culture magazine. The Los Angeles times calls it a magazine with “a bite.”

After looking around the Internet, he decided there was too much garbage out there. He decided he would start something different. To him, that means featuring literary writers who are not being noticed by all the other places and papers.

But, before you zip over to the Rumpus, you should know that it’s not all literary book talk. The writers also talk about music, art, politics and sex. If you do go over and like what you see, here’s a quote you might find interesting:
The Rumpus is a great place for younger writers. For one thing, we edit. We'll work with a writer to make his or her writing better. Younger writers often come in with fantastic ideas and essays full of energy and needing a little guidance.
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  1. Will go check it out!

    L. Diane Wolfe

  2. Thanks for the info. It looks like an interesting magazine. I plan to go back and check it out a little more thoroughly.

    Jane Kennedy Sutton

  3. Hey thanks for the pointer, Helen - got that site bookmarked :)

  4. I think I'm actually going to share that with my daughter. She's fourteen and has expressed an interest in writing over the last couple years. She's written a couple stories, a ton of poetry. I'd love to offer her guidance without sticking my nose in and saying, "Oh, this is how you write conversation..."
    Thanks for the recommendation. :)

  5. Sounds like a great site for fledgling writers.


  6. Thanks for the link, Helen. Although I take a little bit of an issue with "younger writers" because even as a published writer I miss the editors who edit. I usually agreed whole-heartedly with their suggestions and had a much better product!

  7. Conda, I'm sure he was thinking of those writers under 94 as younger.

  8. Jenny, check it out first. I got the impression that the ezine is not always g-rated.


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