Went to the movies last night to see Transformers. I remember the cartoon show from when my son was little. We had all kinds of transformers around the house.
I bought our tickets online, but, even so, we should have arrived about forty-five minutes early instead of fifteen. We ended up on the second row, way down front in the overflow area. Looking straight up. One of those seats where you have to turn your head left and right to try to see everything happening on the huge screen only feet from your nose.
Every seat was taken. And I heard that the show after ours was sold out. Transformers is a hit. I heard someone on TV say it could be the summer blockbuster. For a show about toys? No, for a show that has amazing special effects and non-stop action. And that’s from someone sitting on the second row who couldn’t see the entire screen at once.
Of course, there was a screenplay. There was, after all, some dialogue. So someone did write the script. I’m not sure who, although I did stay through every last credit at the end. I was amazed by the list of those involved with the graphics, special effects, animatronics and such. Loooong credits.
I would like to go see it again – from a row farther back in the theatre. I think from a better seat some of the fight scenes would look like two transformers fighting rather than a big blur. Even from close up, though, I could tell that whoever did the transforming effects probably was a genius. They also probably spent hours on each few seconds of film.
No discredit to the screenwriter, but don’t go see Transformers for the dialogue. Go for the action and special effects.
5 years ago
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