Saturday, November 04, 2006

Help! I've Fallen Again

Okay, I’ve fallen into a trap. It’s a trap I’ve been in before. I’d gotten out of it, but now see myself slipping into its clutches again. It’s a trap I know others are in or have been in. They’ve told me so.

That trap is I’m reading too many books at once.

I’m not in as deep as I have been in years past. There was a time when I had books going all over the place – in two or three different rooms in the house, one in my purse, one in the car. I finally had to stop that because sometimes it would be so long before I re-picked-up a book, I’d forgotten the plot. Or I’d be actively reading so many at once, I’d get the plots mixed up. Some books never got finished because I’d lose interest in them from one reading to another.

I reformed to reading one book at a time. Ahh, much less stressful.

But I’m slipping again. I can see it, but it’s difficult to stop. I got interested in the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. So I started reading those. Then, my husband started reading Bob Woodward’s book State of Denial. When he set it down, I picked it up. So now I’m reading that, but only when he’s off doing something else. About a week ago, a friend of mine, Sharon Kahn, signed her latest mystery, Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Choir, and gave it to another friend to pass on to me at the Texas Mystery Month meeting. I’ve missed Ruby the protagonist of Sharon’s books, so of course I had to start that. Not long ago, I read You: The Owner’s Manual by Drs. Roisen and Oz. Yesterday I started You: On a Diet by the same doctors.

Aaakk! I’ve done it again. I’m drowning in books. At least this time, all the books are very different. Unlike in the past when I would find myself reading six mysteries at the same time, now I’m reading a suspense, a political nonfiction, a mystery, and a medical nonfiction. Surely I won’t get those plots mixed up. It could be a dark trap if I begin to think Rumsfield is a rabbi’s wife who’s a lone warrior out to save the world with almonds, cinnamon, fiber and exercise.

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