Someone emailed to ask what I was doing up in Montana. In Montana, I’m visiting relatives, or more accurately relatives-in-law. We decided to do it at this time because around Labor Day every year we go to Wyoming, so it worked to just expand the trip by a few days. Before someone asks why we come annually to Wyoming … we have a group of friends who meet in Sheridan to play golf, visit, and go to King Days. The base of our gathering is at the King’s since they’re part of the group.
On this trip, I’m not getting much time to read in the car. I'm either driving, navigating, or trying not to fall asleep and thus miss something. I did bring a couple of books with me. On the plane from Austin to Spokane, I read The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. This is an eloquent book of grief, loss and life.
On the way back to Texas, I'll read a novel. Something a bit lighter since the book previous to Didion's was Stiff by Mary Roach, also nonfiction, although more fact than narrative.
Luckily, before I left Austin, I went to a booksigning by my friend, Diane Fanning. She writes true crime, but the event was for her first mystery. I've actually already read the book, Bite the Moon, since I did an edit for her before it went to the publisher. Now, I get to open the cover, and it's a great cover, and read it in book form.
If I somehow find time to read this one before the trip home, I’ve got The Teeth of the Tiger by Tom Clancy with me, not to mention the stack of books one aunt gave me while in Kalispell.
When you travel, always bring a book with you. Get a paper back and slip it in your suitcase, briefcase or purse. You never know when you'll have time to read or when you'll wish you'd brought something to pass time at the hotel or airport. Try out a new author or a new genre. Grab a tried and true author you love. Get an anthology of short stories. How about a cookbook? I have a sister who loves to just sit and read recipes. If you like cooking, why not? Bring the book you've been meaning to read for years, but haven't. Doesn't matter when the book was published. What matters is that you read it.
5 years ago
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